Friday, 24 May 2013

It's Snowing!

Not good news.
John's car this morning.
We are not that far from Grenoble and about 1,000 metres up. Beautiful scenery when it's visible but the weather is quite extreme – temp just above freezing, occasional snow showers and VERY occasional sun. Locals say these are the worst conditions in living memory, and they had a winter like the UK one.
We had a brief ride this morning (20 km) including a whiteout, and a much nicer, longer one this afternoon up to a local col. The women's challenge event scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled already. I doubt that they'll call off the main one on Sunday, but I think 130 km will be plenty, rather than the 177 km thing. I'm very slow up the hills, as I expected!

I had to buy some headgear at lunchtime... Sorry.
The view from the Maquis memorial, half way to the col.